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2022 年 6 月

  • 代理一家中国芯片设计及制造公司对其在美国的关联子公司进行上市前尽职调查

  • 我们协助一家中国生物科技公司在美国的子公司制定就业要约、就业协议、专有信息、知识产权转让、非招揽和非竞争协议以及就业手册。

  • 我们代表一家中国领先的厨柜制造商在联邦地区法院对马萨诸塞州的一家分销商提起诉讼,要求赔偿 600 多万美元,诉讼原因包括违反合同、违反股东和董事会的信托责任、侵占、不法干涉商业和合同关系、共谋、教唆和揭开公司面纱。

  • 在法院裁定驳回被告的第一项反诉后,被告试图增加其他反诉,我所为原告客户赢得了一项动议。对于这起持续了 17 个月且尚未结束的案件来说,这是一个重大胜利。

  • 我们代表两名个人客户和一名企业客户与向一大群人散布诽谤言论的对方当事人达成了令人满意的和解。

  • 我们代表一位商业房东成功捍卫了租户驳回简易程序的动议。

  • 2022年5月18日,柯律师参加了她作为会员的诺福克郡律师协会年会。

  • 2022年5月21日,戴律师作为董事会成员出席新英格兰华人及信息网络协会(NECINA)年会,重点探讨3D打印在房地产行业及其他领域的应用及未来。

  • 2022年6月7日,戴律师和柯律师代表狮城律师事务所出席美国亚裔公民协会(AACA)的筹款晚会,并捐款400美元。AACA是波士顿历史最悠久、影响力最大的非营利组织之一,旨在帮助新移民提高英语水平并获得有用的就业技能,从而快速融入美国生活。

April 2022

  • 在我们律所的协助下,大波士顿地区中国科学技术协会(“波士顿科协”)已成功从美国国税局获得 501(c)(3) 免税资格的批准。

  • 波士顿科协是一个非政治、无党派的免税非营利组织,其使命是促进中美之间的学术交流并促进其数千名会员的专业发展。

  • 要了解有关 CAST-Boston 的更多信息并为其慈善事业捐款,请访问此处。

  • 恭喜位于肯德尔广场中心的苏苗香餐厅和苏苗陈(“苏苗”)。苏苗在 2022 年 4 月 4 日马萨诸塞州餐饮协会(“MRA”)的年度颁奖晚宴上被提名为年度餐厅。这是 MRA 在其 25 年历史中首次在所有 18,000 家会员餐厅中向一家正宗中餐馆颁发如此非凡的荣誉。

  • 苏苗改变了人们对中餐馆根深蒂固的印象,认为中餐馆的品质和外观都无与伦比。她领导成立了马萨诸塞州亚洲餐馆协会 (MARA),为亚洲餐馆提供急需的资源,帮助它们达到更高的标准。

2022 年 3 月

  • 我们就某化学化合物许可条款清单为客户提供咨询,该许可条款涉及超过 1 亿美元的里程碑付款和特许权使用费。

  • 我们成功解决了剑桥一家商业租户的租赁纠纷,等待向马萨诸塞州地方法院上诉庭提起上诉。

  • 我们的办公室为药物开发客户审查了重度抑郁症症状量表的知情同意书和许可协议并提供了建议。

  • 我们代表一名私立学校的学生与学校达成了令人满意的和解,因为她因严重的健康问题而退学。

  • 我们为一家获得多轮股权融资的初创客户提供资产收购、实体解散以及 CFIUS 分析方面的咨询。

2022 年 1 月

  • We represent a Chinese public company engaged in R&D, manufacturing and distributing biomedical material worldwide to acquire substantial equity in a CRO company in Woburn. 

  • Our office is retained as general counsel by an office facility at Wells Ave in Newton as to represent on legal matters on corporate and commercial leasing. 

  • We represent a real estate brokerage client as co-defendant involving in a dispute arising out of a leasing transaction, and successfully reached a settlement with plaintiffs and other co-defendants leading to the dismissal of the case during a short period of only four (4) months.  

  • We represent a commercial tenant in a lease dispute with Lesley University and currently in the process of appeal a decision of the district court to Massachusetts District Court Appellate Division.

  • Our trusts and estates lawyers have provided an estate plan for a client in need of Medicare and Medicaid plans.  

  • Client's Testimonial

       "We had a previous estate planning attorney who had drafted a few limited documents/plans a few years back that went obsolete pretty quickly as not much thoughts went in there.  We were always confused by the seemingly complicated processes, but recently decided to find an another firm who can truly lead us through clearly this time.  We came to Attorney Ke and her team through recommendation by a friend. From the initial consultation, to the detailed planning and education, till the end of documentation and execution, the service was amazing, and we came out fully prepared for what our family needs. The personal touch, patience and professionalism summarize our experience with Lion’s law. Highly recommended!"

                                                  - From Kevin's Family

     "Having a professional and reliable lawyer in a non-native language country is extremely important. In addition, our requirements were not well organized.  Attorney Ke is a good listener, and you are able to feel comfortable speaking to her about private statuses. Also she has ability for explaining things clearly to a layperson, and she will be patient with your reflecting on your needs and desires for your estate..

She communicated with us via email, phone, and also can work remotely. She set a visual meeting up for us with of counsel well-known local in the field as well. She was patient with our questions, and also works efficiently and will deliver a fine finished product in a short period of time. She also follows our personal processes up as well. So, I believe, whatever for Wills, Health Care Proxies and Powers of Attorney, or any others, if you choose Attorney Ke to represent you in your estate planning, you will be very lucky what you did."

                                               - YP&P Family

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154 Wells Ave

Suite 1D

Newton, Massachusetts 02459




100 Overlook Center

2ND floor

Princeton, New Jersey 08540


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